Betsy Sholl

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Betsy Sholl’s ninth collection of poetry, House of Sparrows: New and Selected Poems, (University of Wisconsin Press) won the Four Lakes Prize and was published in 2019. Her eighth collection Otherwise Unseeable , won the 2015 Maine Book Award for Poetry.  Her previous volumes include Rough Cradle, Late Psalm, Don't Explain and The Red Line.  She is a founding member of Alice James Books and published three earlier collections with them.  Among her awards are a fellowship from the National Endowment of the Arts, and two Maine Writer's Fellowships.  She teaches in the MFA in Writing Program of Vermont College of Fine Arts and served as Poet Laureate of Maine from 2006 to 2011.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Judy O’Dell


Éireann Lorsung