Craft Talks

Craft Talks are offered for a reasonable fee, to more deeply explore the works of an individual poet, or some aspect of the craft of writing.

The Poem for Any Occasion: A Craft Talk in 2 Sessions with Richard Blanco (Live on Zoom)

The Poem for Any Occasion: A Craft Talk in 2 Sessions with Richard Blanco (Live on Zoom)

Find out more about Richard Blanco

Session 1: Saturday, April 5, 3:30 - 5:00 ET (Unlimited registration • Live on Zoom) $35

Since writing his poem for the occasion of President Obama’s inauguration in 2013, Richard Blanco had many occasions to write many more occasional poems. Some as public as Boston Strong, recited at the benefit concert at the TD Garden Arena to help soothe the emotional wounds of the Boston Marathon bombings. Others as intimate as the poem he wrote for a dear friend’s 50th birthday party. Whether writing for a national-stage or for a living room of relatives, Blanco discusses the importance of deploying/employing the power of occasional poems to broaden civic discourse, unify communities, and connect family and friends, especially during these tumultuous, divisive times. He’ll share tips and pitfalls on the art of occasional poetry and how these also inform the writing of our more autobiographical poems. 

Session 2: Saturday, April 12, 3:00 - 5:30 ET (Limited to 12 registrations • Live on Zoom) $85

Following a detailed prompt that will be shared beforehand, participants will workshop an occasional poem they’ve written based on a hypothetical or real-life scenario they’ve created. For example: a poem for the dedication ceremony of a new community center in your town; or a poem for a grandparent’s 100th birthday celebration. Enrollments are limited to allow ample time for feedback and to continue exploring the parameters and roles of occasional poems for any context.

Session 2 is currently full, register if you want to add your name to the waitlist.

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A Virtual Craft Talk with Jane Hirshfield at the Camden Festival of Poetry

A Virtual Craft Talk with Jane Hirshfield at the Camden Festival of Poetry

Information, Invitation, and Insight: Transitions in Poems (Virtual on ZOOM)

Taught by Jane Hirshfield
Friday, May 16th, 2025, 2:00 – 4:00 PM ET
$35 Registration Fee

In this craft talk that is being offered as part of the Camden Festival of Poetry, Jane Hirshfield will speak about transitions within poems and the different ways they can serve the writer and reader, from setting the poem into a context to inviting new thoughts and feelings and acting as catalysts for insight.

Join Jane Hirshfield for this special Craft Talk, a part of the 2025 Camden Festival of Poetry.

Award-winning poet, essayist, and translator Jane Hirshfield is the author of ten collections of poetry, including her newest book The Asking: New and Selected Poems (2023). Hirshfield’s work encompasses a large range of influences, drawing from the sciences as well as the world’s literary, intellectual, artistic, and spiritual traditions. Her first poem appeared in The Nation in 1973, winning what would the next year become the Discovery Award, shortly after she graduated from Princeton as a member of the university’s first graduating class to include women.

In recent decades, Hirshfield has become increasingly known as a poet working at the intersection of poetry, the sciences, and the crisis of the biosphere.

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Everything Matters: Exploring the Creative Imagination with Rainer Maria Rilke with Dr. Mark S. Burrows, PhD (Live on Zoom)

Everything Matters: Exploring the Creative Imagination with Rainer Maria Rilke with Dr. Mark S. Burrows, PhD (Live on Zoom)

Explore the imaginative world that lives in Rilke’s poems with one of the leading interpreters and award-winning translators of his writings. We will consider what Rilke meant when he insisted that “poems are not feelings, but experiences,” and what it means to encounter—and write—poems with that in mind. Rilke also insisted that everything, to the minutest of things, was alive as part of what he called “the Whole,” and thus that everything mattered. His poems encourage us to widen the lens of our perception to the point that we begin to see that—and how—“everything matters” in our lives and in the world we inhabit together.

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Millay in War & Peace: Poetic Responses in Tumultuous Times with Jefferson Navicky (Live on Zoom)

Millay in War & Peace: Poetic Responses in Tumultuous Times with Jefferson Navicky (Live on Zoom)

About Jefferson Navicky:

Edna St. Vincent Millay possessed a broad poetic range, able to write both politically-charged poems as well as lyrical poems grounded in the natural world, and she often wrote them in close succession. In this workshop, we’ll examine Millay’s ability to shape-shift as a poet, and we’ll discuss why a poet might choose to do this, how this can be accomplished, and in general, we’ll talk about strategies to stay connected with each other and to write poems in difficult times when we may struggle to stay in touch with poetry. We’ll also try to write our own poems with Millay as inspiration.

The workshop is open to poets of all abilities and experience, and anyone who might be curious about the life and work of Edna St. Vincent Millay.

Net proceeds from this event will be donated to Millay House Rockland.


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Ekphrastic Poetry with Melissa McKinstry

Ekphrastic Poetry with Melissa McKinstry

Melissa McKinstry

Ekphrasis: Poets Engaging with Other Arts

“Move back, Miss, behind the line, you’re too close to the painting.”
 ­­–– Ama Codjoe

Ekphrasis was originally an exercise in vivid description. In this Craft Talk with Millay House Writer-in-Residence, Melissa McKinstry, you’ll hear from a rich array of contemporary poets who cross “the line” to see what––and how––they discover beyond description. Exploring the special exhibit at Page Gallery “Art & Ekphrastic Poetry” will provide rich source material for your own ekphrastic poems. Mark Doty wrote, “We think that to find ourselves we need turn inward…But ‘I’ is just as much to be found in the world…Say what you see and you experience yourself through your style of seeing and saying.” We’ll discuss a variety of specific approaches to converse with art and write into something you don’t already know.

If you register for this Craft Talk, and decide to submit a poem to the Open Call from Page Gallery and The Poets Corner, then we will waive your submission fee. Just email for your special submission link.

Melissa McKinstry holds an MFA from Pacific University, and her poetry appears in such

journals as The Adroit Journal, Beloit Poetry Journal, Rattle, Alaska Quarterly Review,

december, Tahoma Literary Review, and Best New Poets 2023. For more information on the poet,

please visit


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VIRTUAL: “You You You: the address of poetry” – A Craft Talk with Pádraig Ó Tuama

VIRTUAL: “You You You: the address of poetry” – A Craft Talk with Pádraig Ó Tuama

VIRTUAL EVENT VIA ZOOM. A poem is a word-event going in many directions at once. Sometimes the “you” of a poem is a specific person, at other times it’s the poet, or a general audience, and at times there’s no you at all so the poem addresses itself to the world. Join Pádraig Ó Tuama virtually for this craft talk, a part of the 2024 Camden Festival of Poetry.

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IN PERSON: “You You You: the address of poetry” – A Craft Talk with Pádraig Ó Tuama

IN PERSON: “You You You: the address of poetry” – A Craft Talk with Pádraig Ó Tuama

IN PERSON EVENT IN CAMDEN, MAINE. A poem is a word-event going in many directions at once. Sometimes the “you” of a poem is a specific person, at other times it’s the poet, or a general audience, and at times there’s no you at all so the poem addresses itself to the world. Join Pádraig Ó Tuama for this craft talk, a part of the 2024 Camden Festival of Poetry.

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Heartwork: Exploring Rilke's Poetry with Mark S. Burrows

Heartwork: Exploring Rilke's Poetry with Mark S. Burrows

Heartwork explores Rilke’s insistence that we are to “live the questions” in our lives before we can hope to discover any “answers.” How do we do this? He felt that this involved “finding images for [our] transformations,” and lived his vocation as a poet in pursuit of that longing. His poems continue to open us to the wholeness that is always alive within us, even amid what we experience as fragments of brokenness.

Learn more and register here.

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Submitting Your Work for Publication: A  Two-Part Craft Talk and Workshop
to Jan 25

Submitting Your Work for Publication: A  Two-Part Craft Talk and Workshop

Submitting Your Work for Publication: A Two-Part Craft Talk and Workshop with Chelsea Jackson

Do you have stories or poems you'd like to share with the world? Are you new to the submission process and don't know where to start or how to find publication opportunities? In this two-part course, we will demystify the process of publication and equip writers with essential knowledge and tools for submitting.

Learn more and register here.

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Publishing Poetry Today

Publishing Poetry Today

We’ll hear from editors at Poets & Writers Magazine, Beloit Poetry Journal, The Maine Review, and the publisher of the independent press Kelsay Books, joining Meg in a lively discussion of the art and science of getting our poems out into the world. (Full disclosure: Kelsay Books published Meg’s new collection, Magma Intrusions in May 2023).

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Hybrid Forms Laboratory

Hybrid Forms Laboratory

Hybrid Forms Laboratory with Freesia McKee

In this experimental, non-traditional workshop, participants will bring one or two in-progress pieces of writing based on the hybrid prompts provided and, as a group, exchange encouragement and descriptive feedback while facing the fears we may have related to sharing hybrid forms with an audience.

Learn more and register here.

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