Karen Kelsay

Karen Kelsay photo

Karen Kelsay Davies is the owner and founder of Kelsay Books and will appear on the Aug. 20 Corner Craft Talk: Publishing Poetry Today.

At Kelsay Books, Karen has edited and published over 1,200 titles in the past eleven years. She is also the co-editor of The Orchard’s Poetry Journal,an online magazine that publishes free verse and formal poetry; Karen has authored several poetry books, including Amytis Leaves Her Garden, which won the AML Award 2012. Her poetry has been nominated six times for the Pushcart Prize. Over the past twenty years, she has traveled extensively through England and Wales with her English husband, finding inspiration for her poetry and holding reading events. Karen lives in Utah and enjoys sewing, hiking, and quilting in her spare time.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.


Chelsea Jackson


Emma Komlos-Hbrosky