Sonia Greenfield

Sonia Greenfield (she/they) is the author of three collections of poetry, All Possible Histories (Riot in Your Throat, 2022), Letdown (White Pine Press, 2020) and Boy with a Halo at the Farmer's Market (Codhill Poetry Prize, 2015), along with two chapbooks Helen of Troy is High AF (Harbor Editions, 2023) and American Parable (Autumn House Press chapbook prize, 2019). Her work has appeared in the 2018 and 2010 Best American Poetry, Southern Review, Willow Springs and elsewhere. She lives with her family in Minneapolis where she teaches at Normandale College, edits the Rise Up Review, and advocates for both neurodiversity and the decentering of the cis/het white hegemony. More at

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Abby E. Murray


Marion Tauschwitz