Shawne T. McCord

Shawne T. McCord (she/her) began life on the Pacific coast. Her childhood consisted of play in forests, on tar beaches and between apartments. After adventures over mountains she settled not far from the Atlantic coast living full years of love, learning, poetic pursuits, capturing wonders with photography, as well as teaching and parenting with perseverance. She was awarded the Academy of American Poets undergraduate prize her last year of college while studying poetry and photography. Writing, in many forms, has been a steady ingredient in her life. Throughout graduate education programs for teaching elementary students (traditional and untraditional), early childhood literacy, graduate literacy teacher instruction and English language learners, she recognizes the strong tie between being a writer-reader and teaching writing and reading.  Shawne is forever grateful to her teachers: Earth, family, friends, philosophers, artists, poets and students.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Christine Terp Madsen


Pam Burr Smith