Sandra Lynn Hutchison

Sandra Lynn Hutchison is the author of two books: a book of poetry, The Art of Nesting (GR Books), and a collection of stories about life in China in the prelude to and aftermath of the Tiananmen Uprising, Chinese Brushstrokes (Turnstone Press). She has served as the poetry editor for the Maine literary journal Puckerbrush Review and been the recipient of various literary awards, including an Emily Dickinson Poetry Prize from Universities West Press and a Jane Kenyon Poetry Scholarship from Bennington College, where she did work towards an MFA in Poetry. She is the founder and editor of, an online journal of the arts inspired by her faith perspective as a Baha’i. She holds a Ph.D. from the University of Toronto in English literature and teaches in Orono, Maine.

Sandra will read from her submitted chapbook entitled The Beautiful Foolishness of Things.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Catherine Marenghi


Peter Spagnuolo