Monique Avakian


Monique Avakian is a NY-based performing poet, writer, video-poem maker known for her creative spirit, playfulness, cross-genre experimentation, and anti-brand stance. Her performance poetry is often heralded for her jazzy rhythms, and overall “musicality.” Monique’s mixed-media work, poetry and non-fiction have been included in exhibits at the Bruce Museum, Yonkers’ Blue Door Gallery and in digital publications such as Hofstra University’s AMP, OccuPoetry and freejazzblog. Curious listeners can find audio versions of Monique’s poems on her SoundCloud page. Monique’s most recent projects include the creation of a 3-dimensional fascinator hat sculpted out of an original poem and a “speculative street photography series” examining the growing oppression of women in the United States. Monique likes to incorporate surrealist imagery and themes in her work and seeks to join others active in the Fluxus revival, COVID-willing. Forthcoming: The Surrealist Book of Lists.

Monique will read from her submitted chapbook entitled Spiracle Groove.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Marita O’Neill


Jeffrey Bean