Megan Grumbling


Megan Grumbling’s recent poetry book Persephone in the Late Anthropocene vaults an ancient myth into the age of climate change.  Originally written as a libretto for an experimental opera, this book of lyric verse playfully combines the voices of earth, mother, daughter in magical-realism to explore the nature of our environmental crisis.  Compelling and playful storytelling makes Megan’s work a wonder to read and a delight to have her read for us on The Poets Corner on September 12th.

Megan’s first poetry collection, Booker’s Point, received the Vassar Miller Prize and the Maine Book Award for Poetry, and her work has been awarded the Poetry Foundation’s Ruth Lilly Fellowship, the Robert Frost Foundation Award, and a Hawthornden Castle Fellowship in Scotland. She reviews film and theater for the Portland Phoenix, serves as reviews editor for The Café Review, and edits the weekly Deep Waterpoetry column in the Maine Sunday Telegram.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Anne Riesenberg


Andrea Read