Katya Zinn

Katya Zinn is a Boston-based performance poet, interdisciplinary teaching artist, and unofficial poet laureate of Chuck E. Cheese. Author of the chapbook human verses (Finishing Line Press, 2021), her work explores humanity’s need for art to ignite change, fuel healing, and forge connection. Her debut full-length collection, Manic-depressive Pixie Dream Girl (Game Over Books, 2022), a 2024 Independent Publisher Book Award winner, revisits working themes through intersectional, interdisciplinary lenses, revealing harsh critiques of artistic tropes perpetuating social inequality, while embedded magical realism strikes tonal balance through dreamy reimaginings of community-building -- where the rubble of oppressive systems provide repurposed architecture for kinder, weirder worlds. You can find Katya in cyberspace (post-“@“ or pre-“.com”), by spelling “zinnvisibleink” into your preferred technological medium — or, in the preferred medium of performing a simple conjuring spell at the next full moon.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.


Nida Sophasarun