Gary Lawless

Gary Lawless is co-owner of Gulf of Maine Books in Brunswick, and editor/publisher of Blackberry Books. His latest book of poems, How the Stones Came to Venice, was recently published by Littoral Books, of Portland, Maine. It will also be published in Italy, in Italian, and in Brazil, in Portuguese.

Gary edited and published Nanao Sakaki's collected poems "How to live on the planet earth" as well as two other titles by Nanao, and one about him. Translations of this book are about to appear in France (in French) and in Brazil (in Portuguese)  and selections from it have appeared as well in Japan, Italy, and the Czech Republic. Nanao Sakaki was a wandering Japanese poet, who spent much time in Europe, North America, and Australia, as well as his homeland of Japan. Nanao would have been 101 this year.

Gary lives in Nobleboro with his wife Beth Leonard, their cat, and their two rescue donkeys.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Naomi Shihab Nye


Lynne Ellis