Claire Millikin

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Claire Millikin is the author of ten collections of poetry, including her newest book Macicicada (Unicorn Press, 2024), Elegiaca Americana, published by Littoral Books in 2022 and State Fair Animals published by Unicorn Press in 2022. Millikin's poetry books, Motels Where We Lived (2014), Television (2016), and State Fair Animals (2018) have been noted as finalists for the Maine Literary Award and in 2021, she received the Maine Literary Award as co-editor of the anthology Enough! Poems of Resistance and Protest. Her poetry book Dolls (2021) was semifinalist for the PSV Poetry Book Award for North American Publishers and Writers. Millikin teaches American Studies and art history at Bates College and the University of Maine.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Annaliese Jakimides