Christopher Nelson


Christopher Nelson is the author of Blood Aria (University of Wisconsin Press, 2021) and three chapbooks, including Blue House, for which he was awarded a Poetry Society of America Chapbook Fellowship. He is the founder and editor of the journal Under a Warm Green Linden and Green Linden Press, a nonprofit publisher dedicated to poetic excellence and reforestation. Among his editorial projects is the anthology Essential Voices: Poetry of Iran and Its Diaspora (Green Linden Press, 2021), winner of a Midwest Book Award and named by Entropy Magazine as one of the best poetry books of 2020–21. His poems have appeared in the Best New Poets, Boston Review, Image, The Missouri Review, New Ohio Review, Poetry Northwest, RHINO, Salamander, Sixth Finch, and elsewhere. He is also publisher for Green Linden Press, and edits the journal "Under a Warm Green Linden." For more information visit

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Marion Tauschwitz


Julie Marie Wade