Callista Markotich

Poetry by Callista Markotich, former Superintendent of Education, appears in Canadian journals from Arc to Vallum, in American and British magazines, and has won first and second place awards and placement in the League of Canadian Poets Poem in Your Pocket campaign. It has been short-listed and Honorably Mentioned in Canadian contests, and nominated for a Pushcart Prize and the National Magazine Awards.  Her suite, Edward, was a finalist for the 2023 Gwendolyn MacEwen Poetry Award. She is a contributing editor for Arc Poetry. Callista’s first collection, Wrap in a Big White Towel was published in 2024, by Frontenac House. Callista lives gratefully on the shore.

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.

Zoe Sims


Kelly Rowe