
by David J Wilzig

Kneeling can be subjugation
unless respite from a picnic
red wine ,brie, baguette.

Kneeling can be pre-prostration.
Laying life down
before an altar, before a G-d
celebrating a sacrifice.

Kneeling can be preparation.
A marriage covenant to 
be confirmed, she to
be entered, to renew.

I’m certain that her navel winked at me,
sap, tickling mustache.
She, café au lait 
brown dot, brown freckle, brown birthmark

beneath her left breast, the curved part where
protruding nipples, a shade darker than her skin
when enlarged, as now, 
eaves for her perspiration

salted water flows, rippling 
down my forehead  
into my eyes, forcing me further in
increasing desire to please, blindly

my mouth mumbles delicato, lovely,
“mi amore vole fe “ I spill. 
my love needs faith and trust.
my faith needs love and trust.

Unabashedly she lowers herself
kneeling, taking communion ? 
wine off my stomach
crumbs of our union from my upper lip

Man and woman mystically kneeling
each before the other, no cassock, no surplice
if orgiastic, sensual, tongues with spirit
the Agony of St. Theresa, juices of divine joy

Man atop woman
Woman astride man
site of competition, the
Agony of St.Agnes, virgin
martyr die in a brothel
The Man, the Woman cry out, Hallelujah

Meg Weston

Maine’s community-based site for writers and readers of poetry and short prose.



Vermilion Novel Excerpt